Waitangi Treaty Grounds

Since 2018, Deaf Action NZ has been advocating for more NZSL access to Waitangi Treaty Ground events.

Marama Davidson serving Titewhai Harawira breakfast – (Photo credit: Tim Onnes)

To date all the formal events including Governor General and Prime Minister visits are NZSL interpreted. Previously only Feb 6th was NZSL interpreted.

On Feb 6th 2021, there will be 3 additional NZSL interpreters (2 fluent in Te Reo Maori) to interpret between Waitangi Treaty Grounds and Te Tii Marae.

At the same time, Te Roopu Whakamana Turi o Waitangi marque will be opened on the Waitangi Treaty Grounds Sports field for Deaf and NZSL community to meet throughout the day. A program of NZSL events and presentations will be available.

The 3 extra NZSL interpreters was only possible with a one off funding from NZSL Board.

A petition will be launched on Feb 6th 2021 to be presented to the House of Representatives to have all Waitangi Days fully funded to have NZSL interpreters available at all events on that day throughout NZ.