Covid what?

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Sharing our Stories about COVID

Sharing our Stories about COVID to teach and to learn. Coming together to share our experiences. Using NZSL to share information so we are strong and safe in Deaf Community.

Tell us about your experience. Up to 2 minutes 30 seconds.

How? Video yourself or ask

Eyefilms -

JPF Ltd -

DeafRadio -

Ask a friend to film you (can do this on messenger/zoom/skype)

Use to send the video to

We will:

  • Ask a NZSL Interpreter to put your story in English for the website
  • Put it on the under COVID Section
  • Share it with others in the Deaf community.

We will pay for the first 50 stories!

Funding for this Project comes from the Ministry of Health. Thank you to all our partners.

Dear people showing true stones of who we are.

Our space for Deaf people to come together to share our turangawaewae our unseen stories as Deaf people in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Watch Us external

Do you want to tell your story?

Tell us your story external