Deaf Action New Zealand
Ko Mana Turi Aotearoa

Deaf Action NZ advocates and lobbies together with Deaf New Zealanders to uphold their human rights to government, public and private institutions, and service providers, disability service providers locally, nationally and internationally.

Deaf Action NZ ‘objective’ is to ensure services Deaf people use are accessible and accountable. Deaf Action is committed to the Treaty of Waitangi and to access and equality for all Deaf people in NZ.

Mission: Advance the human rights of D/deaf/Hard of Hearing people in Aotearoa New Zealand


Deaf Action Kaupapa / Kaupapa Mahi Turi


Welcome, welcome, to all Deaf and Maori Deaf people
The first acknowledgement is to the gods.
The second acknowledgement is to those we’ve lost to the night – go, go, go
The third acknowledgement is to this important subject, the self governance of all D/deaf.
Deaf Action NZ is a group for the well-being of D/deaf and their family.


Nau mai, haere mai ki nga tangata turi me nga Mana Turi katoa
Tuatahi ka mihi ki nga atua
Tuarua ki nga tangata kua ngaro ki te po – haere, haere, haere
Tuatoru ka mihi ki tenei kaupapa rongonui, ko te kawanatanga o nga tangata turi katoa
Ko Mana Turi Aotearoa (Deaf Action NZ) te roopu hou mo te oranga o nga tangata turi me nga whanau katoa.
No reira, tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa


When we talk, we talk the correct way
No stepping on other people’s ‘mana’, no swearing and no abusive talk
What is the most important thing? Deaf people, Deaf people, Deaf people. Stand strong in your Deaf culture!
To you all is the power, the awesomeness and the respect!
So enjoy yourself.


Ka korerorero tatou, ka korero i te ara tika
Kore e takahi i te mana o ia tangata, kore he kangakanga me te korero tukino
He aha te mea nui? He tangata turi, he tangata turi, he tangata turi. Tuturu Tangata Turi!
Kei a koutou te mana, te ihi, te wehi! 
Kia pai to korerorero!